How to Make Joconde

Any time you set out to make cake — especially a foam-based sponge cake like joconde — it’s very important that you have all your ingredients pre-measured and at-the-ready. You also want to have all your ingredients at room temperature. Begin by brushing melted butter on your parchment-lined sheet pans. If necessary, trim your parchment […]


Joconde Recipe

The main difference between joconde and other sponge cakes is that it has whole eggs beaten into it, and not just whites. Observe: 6 room-temperature egg whites 1 ounce granulated sugar 8 ounces sliced blanched almonds, ground to powder in a food processor 8 ounces powdered sugar, sifted 6 large eggs 2.5 ounces all-purpose (AP) […]