Campfire Cannoli
I’m amazed at how light and good these are, being made from just ready-made store bought stuff! You need some whipped cream in a can and pre-made crescent roll dough:
Just tear off a piece along the dotted lines…
…and wrap it around a thick stick.
Hold it in medium proximity from a fire, being careful not to get it too close. It should take about 5-6 minutes for the dough to puff and turn lightly golden. Remember not to point the stick at the fire, which will cause the end to burn. Hold the stick such that the length of the dough faces the heat. I didn’t do that here and the end turned to ash in about 15 seconds.
It should be golden on the outside, not too burned if you can help it.
Gently push the cannoli off the end of the stick, insert whipped cream can nozzle and fill on each end.
It’s actually terrific.
Where was this idea when I was a Boy Scout? I love a nice cobbler and all, but this would have been a welcome change of pace on those various outings…
Thanks Mark!
My old scout troop never had it together enough to use Dutch ovens. We always had to rely on s’mores and pre-packaged cookies. Not that I complained, but I always envied the troops that got at least a little creative!
– Joe
This reminds me of dough boys that we used to make with bisquick. We would form a pocket though and wrap the dough around the end of the stick too. Then you can fill it with whatever you want…whipped cream, jam, honey, or my favourite: nutella!
Oh yes, the filling possibilities are pretty endless. Thanks for the reminder!
– Joe
LOL, gonna do this at the beach all summer and surf off the calories in the morning…how to get the chocolate chips in there is my next quest!
Ah yes, chocolate chips, good question. You could probably pre-load the tube with a few before you loose the cream!
– Joe
Maybe you could roast a marshmallow and stick it in the center with some chocolate so the hot cannolli and the hot marshmallow would melt the chocolate and then have the cold whipped cream on both ends. . .
Whoa! I like the way you think, Tonia!
– Joe
Genius! And just in time too, ’cause I’m going camping tomorrow. Thanks for the brilliant idea!
Have a great time, J. Check out the new macaroon post as well. I love those things!
– Joe
These look so amazing! I’m excited to try them at my sons birthday campout in a couple of weeks! I’m sure the group of 11 year olds will love them! Thanks for the great idea!
Let me know how they go, Michelle!
– Joe
That pesky Odwalla ad is back!! It comes up when I first log in as well as on this individual post.
I bet these would be great using chocolate-flavored Reddi-Whip…
I had no idea such a thing existed! Excellent, Ruth!
– Joe
Stuff chopped salted Carmels
>into center of
….followed by
Dark choc chips
Pipe in whipped cream
@ each end
You are on fire, Robin!
– Joe
Genius! Now I could talk my hubby into camping so we can make these!
Good luck on that, Shayna!
– Joe
What about damper? Flour, baking powder and water. Same concept as the crescent rolls except no packaging.
Why not? Thanks Gwyneth!
– Joe