Thanks to Smitten Kitchen!
Deb over at Smitten Kitchen was making knishes this week, and said some vey nice things indeed about yours truly! Thanks Deb, those knishes look fantastic. I’ll be trying some of those improvisations — probably this weekend!
I am also thankful for Deb for leading me to this wonderful new resource! I’m looking forward to reading up on ways to improve my baking!
Welcome, Thu! Let me know if you have any questions about anything. I’m always happy to answer questions.
– Joe
I am here cause Deb at smitten kitchen recommended you! My friends all love smitten kitchen but its nice to read your blog also. By the way, can you help me figure out Pound cake???
Gonna try your chocolate chip cookies today and I posted your link on my facebook page. If you help me figure out to get dense but soft pound cake I promise to love you forever, and leave a donation in the tip jar for expertise.
Hehe…sure Candice!
Let me know how the cookies go. And I’m curious about your pound cake needs. Do tell…
– Joe
Visiting from Smitten site, glad to find out about your blog! Looking for the perfect chocolate madeleine recipe, I will search your site. Congratulations on your recovery and sustained health!!
Thanks, Eileen — and welcome!
– Joe
PS – Sorry for the dearth of madeleines! I’ll try to rectify that soon!
I have my brother’s mother-in-law’s blue ribbon (from S.C. State Fair) pound cake recipe, if you’d like to have it. She puts a lemon glaze on this one…it’s a light cake and very good. Probably why she won the blue ribbon, huh?
Whoa. That’s a big YES!
– Joe
motivated to visit from Ms S Kitchen
and she was right. Thanks to both of you.
Thank you, Mary Jo! I greatly appreciate the visit!
– Joe
I also found you through SK, and made the knishes today. I used just-dug-from-the-garden Agria potatoes (a NZ variety that is similar to Yukon Gold) and while they tasted great (just like I remember from growing up in NYC) forming them was a bit confusing. I had no luck following the twist-like-you’re-making-sausage approach, and ended up treating them sort of like Chinese baozi, pulling the dough over the potato to twist them closed. Is that what you do??
Hi James!
I envy those fresh spuds!
But it sounds like a very valid method. Was the dough too stiff to stretch? Just curious.
– Joe
Hi Joe!
I too found your site via Smitten Kitchen and I am so glad I did. I have absolutely loved perusing through your recipes, especially the old classics. A professionally trained chef myself, your recipes for Buche de Noel, Charlotte Russe, Opera Cake and Mille Feuille bring back great memories of school and my time spent in garde manger (I much preferred dessert prep/plating to shucking oysters!) Thanks for for informative picture tutorials and straightforward instruction-I look forward to delving into pastry again!
Wow that note made me feel good, Emily! Thanks so much and please check in again!
– Joe
I’m another one who found you through Deb’s site. I have a 12-year-old friend who is really interested in baking (she has already made croissant dough on her own) so we’re going to use your site as a resource to try new things. Thanks!
Hey Kathy!
That is one advanced 12-year-old! Please pass on my greetings (and congraltuations) and don’e hesitate to get in touch if I can answer any questions!
– Joe
Hi Joe,
My 12-year-old friend and I made your cream puffs (Pate a Choux) this week and they were a great success! It was a lot of work for her to do all the mixing but she did a great job. Your tip about spraying them with water before baking was the key to beautiful puffs. Next up (this summer, probably) — marshmallows. Gotta get a candy thermometer first.
Great to hear it, Kathy!
Also, inexpensive digital thermometers can be had at any large grocery store in the kitchenwares section for about fifteen bucks!
Cheers and thanks!
– Joe
I, too, found you through Smitten Kitchen and am very glad I did! Great photos and instructions, will be trying many of your recipes…
Thank you, Mary Ann! PLease get in touch if I can answer any questions for you!
– Joe
I am next in line, directed here by Smitten Kitchen, and find your blog absolutely excellent! Answers to questions I’ve had for a long time (for example – why my chocolate chip cookies are rising high when I want them to be flat), useful techniques and, most importantly, recipes presented in way I like best – explaining every “How?” and “Why?” and giving detailed photos of every crucial step (not like in some fancy food blogs where dozens of useless macro-shoots of ingredients are proudly presented).
Thank you for sharing your experience in this blog, and hope to see many new posts here!
Thank you very much, Antuanete! I greatly appreciate you taking the time to stop by and write such a delightful note. Please come back often — and let me know if you have any questions on anything!
– Joe
I can offer you another pound cake version if you want it–my signature cake from my (long ago) high school days, a cream cheese pound cake. It’s dense, very even textured, and has a lovely flavor. The recipe came from Southern Living magazine back in the ’70s.
Great! By all means send it!
– Joe