Big Tex Burns Down
In non-pastry news, it was reported over the weekend that “Big Tex”, the beloved 52-foot-tall cowboy that greeted visitors at the Texas State Fair for some 60 years, was consumed by fire over the weekend. Hearing this I couldn’t help but be reminded of the Big Butter Jesus fire, which robbed us of a local icon back in 2010. This latest tragedy only underscores the apathy with which we seem to regard the safety of giant foam-and-fabric figurines. People, when are we going to learn?
Not that I am an overly-sensitive Texan, but BBJ could not hold a candle to Big Tex (or a lightning bolt). Big Tex was 60 when he went out in a blaze of glory, quite an age for a talking, moving, fiberglass and fabric guy. And his hands and belt buckle survived…can BBJ make that claim? And did anyone lay a corny dog wreath in BBJ’s memory? Didn’t think so
All fair points, Heidi. I’m not sure Jesus ever ate corn dogs, but I’ll check my New Testament when I get the chance. Meanwhile, we here up north mourn your loss.
– Joe