Next Up: Soda Fountain Drinks

I’ve always thought that one of the great missed opportunities of the high-end dessert scene is the classic soda fountain. From where I sit sodas, phosphates and malts are wide open territory for enterprising pastry chefs. I can imagine a three-part dessert of say, key lime tart, a scoop of coconut ice cream and a mini mango egg cream…or some such thing. Regardless, it’s already hot and humid here in Louisville in June. A perfect time for light alternatives to heavier sweets.

5 thoughts on “Next Up: Soda Fountain Drinks”

  1. Dear Joe,
    I enjoy your website very much and find it a source of inspiration as well as education. Thank you so much for sharing your skills and knowledge! Like so many others, I have been bitten by the macaron bug (I made my first macarons with your recipe and tutorial advice). Do you know if powdered favors can be used for the shells. I have used lemon and lime from King Arthur Flour and cocoa, but I am wondering about commercially available powders such as found on the web site, and The websites mention different applications for their powdered flavors but neither mention macaron shells. I would appreciate your thoughts and advice and thank you again for being a source of enlightenment for those of us who are pastry chefs only in our dreams.

    1. Hi Sally!

      I would think a powdered flavor would be an event better addition than a liquid one since it wouldn’t dilute the whites in any way. I say try it…and get back to me with the results!

      – Joe

  2. Sounds like a good reason to live in Portland, Oregon (the heat and humidity part). Should be a great series and lots of fun. BTW, encouraged someone into making that gold cake instead of a yellow cake she was planning on making before we talked. The recipe speaks for itself. WINNER! Though I do think we need to discuss the QUANTITY of the colonnade frosting…how many cakes did you have to make to use up all that frosting in the recipe??? Though I liked the frosting…will have to modify it to a more doable quantity since it can’t be frozen and inevitably breaks down in the fridge. Looking forward to the blogs!

    1. And I scaled that recipe down, Linda! It’ll sale down again if you like…but ai recommend leftovers. They’re a delight!

      – Joe

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