Remembering Day

Good morning Joe readers! I won’t be blogging today as it is Memorial Day, the day we here in the States devote to remembering those who’ve fought and died for our country. This day used to be a very big deal in our culture, but it isn’t so much anymore, and that’s a sad thing. These days, in which the Self is king, it’s fashionable to think of those who’ve died in wars as victims, not as heroes. But there’s a cure for that. Just browse a few Medal of Honor citations. You’ll find thousands of stories of people who put their lives at grave risk for the sake of others. That human beings are still capable of that sort of courage and selflessness is something else worth remembering in this, our cynical age.

15 thoughts on “Remembering Day”

    1. Cheers, Laurel! Thank you so much for the note. It is my very great pleasure!

      – Joe

  1. Thank you for reminding us to remember those who’ve fought in a war. The stories are remarkable in that they show the very best aspects of humanity under the very worst of circumstances.

    1. Indeed they do, Susan, and they’re all the more remarkable because of their matter-of-fact, undramatic tone. “Pfc. Smith, despite numerous shrapnel wounds to the side and leg, saved several servicemen from serious injury or death…” They almost stop your heart, some of them.

      Have a great Memorial Day!

  2. Well said! When we were kids, this day was marked with parades, flags, and remembrances of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for us.

    1. That’s how I grew up as well, Lorie. I hope they’re still having a parade in my home town today, despite the heat. Goodness knows there are too few of them these days. Those men and women deserve it! Have a happy Memorial Day.

      – Joe

  3. Hi Joe, we are currently traveling in the US on vacation and today had the privilege attending a Memorial Day parade and service. Even for non US citizens (we are from NZ) we found this to be a very moving experience and are so pleased we had the opportunity to see it.

    1. Thank you so much, Bev, for taking part in such an important observance with us. I’m sure it meant a lot to everyone around you. I know it means a lot to me! With much appreciation,

      – Joe

  4. I’m celebrating with hamburgers and letters to my representative in Congress!

  5. Those Medal of Honor citations have got me fighting back tears, Joe. Thanks for posting on what Memorial Day is really all about.

    1. They’ll do that to you, Ann! For one that will truly amaze you, visit this WWII page and scroll down to Desmond Doss. He was a conscientious objector who saved some 75 injured men under heavy fire. He’s a great testament to the fact that there’s no one way to be a hero. Interestingly, his citation is just below that of the great Jimmy Doolittle, who led the famous and incredibly daring Doolittle Raid on Tokyo after Peal Harbor. Despite his fame, Doolittle gets about six lines. Doss gets about 40.

      1. You knew the medic one would get me, didn’t you Joe? Whether or not I ever become a physician, he’s a role model I will always look up to and remember. Thank you for the link 🙂

        1. My pleasure, Ann. You should check out Doss in other places. There’s probably a Wikipedia entry on him since he’s the only conscientious objector even to win the Medal of Honor. His is a fabulous story on a lot of levels. The refrain he’s famous for: “Please God, let me save just one more” has haunted me ever since I first read it in a history of Okinawa. Of course there are so many other great stories of heroism there. I like to read these citations when I think I’m having a bad day. Talk about a much-needed reality check!

          But yes, I thought you in particular would like that citation. 😉

          – Joe

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