I’ll take mine to go.

Brick pizza ovens aren’t the food scene novelty they once were. But who would have ever thought of putting one on the back of a truck to create a mobile Neapolitan pizzeria? Answer: these guys.

They park their traveling tribute to Naples a block away from my house once a week. If your first thought was my first thought, it was something on the order of: how do you get a license for a mobile fireplace?

The answer is you don’t, not that they didn’t try. The City of Louisville simply has no codes or statutes that govern wood fires on wheels. So until somebody passes a law against them — and why would any food loving person ever want to do a thing like that — the pizzas will roll!

I know what you’re thinking: sure it drives well and gets decent gas mileage, but how does the pizza taste?

Awfully darn good. Locals, locate Mozza Pi by going here. Oh and yes, that’s a giant pizza peel leaning up against the truck. They made that, too.

11 thoughts on “I’ll take mine to go.”

  1. Cor! Blimey, they do look scrumptious!
    I love homemade pizza, and make it very often for my family. For myself though i prefer wholemeal flour. I wonder if there is a good recipe out there for a 100% wholemeal flour pizza base…

    1. There are 100% whole grain flour pizza crust recipes around. The problem is that because they contain all the bran and germ they have a hard time rising. That makes them quite dense, but if the crust was very thin it wouldn’t matter as much. Thanks for the comment, Mrs. W!

  2. dear joe,
    I’ve been reading your blog for a long time now, since when you just started and before its present transformation (very nice too). I find your blog very useful, what with the reliable recipes (i know i can trust you) and the photos, and interesting with all the background history of pastries and cakes. I have just one comment (actually i wanted to write abt this a while ago but just couldn’t figure out where to leave a comment, would u believe it…): why do you break up a topic into so many many posts? When i delve into the back stories/archives, just to finish reading up on one cake featured, i have to go back and forth between the pages many times so i can get the ‘complete picture’. This is esp. so because each page only contains a few posts. I don’t know abt others but i would find it more practical and useful especially if the recipe and process pictures could actually be combined into ONE post. Often i’ll be looking at the process photos only to have to go back many pages in order to find the recipe, then forward again many pages to locate the photos. Hope you know what i’m talking about.

    Now you must surely find me very curmudgeonly but I’m just a grateful reader trying to make a great site better! Truth be told, I am less inclined to check in on your blog often or on the go because i know i have to spend a bit of time clicking back and forth.

    Sigh what will you do with these finicky readers huh ;))

    1. Hi W!

      Sure, I remember you! Thanks for sticking with me so long. I understand what you’re saying. Part of the problem is the limit of the blog form, the other part stems from my own choices about organizing information. You’re right that on the week that I take on a particular subject you have to go scrolling down for the post. However in the archives over to the left everything’s set up so that you only need to click once and both the tutorial and the recipe come up at the same time. Yes, you do have to go hunting to get to all the context, but unless I dropped all that copy into the recipe post (which would make it insufferably long for most readers) there’s no other way to do it. As I said, it’s the limits of the software. You’re right that I could do a proper site with all the information put together, but the truth is I simply can’t afford it. I’ll do my best to think up a way to consolidate the information a bit more, because you’re not the only one whose made comments along these lines.

      Thanks for taking the time to write me about this. Have a great weekend!

      – Joe

  3. Hey Joe,

    Here in CT we have The Big Green Truck, another pizza oven on wheels in the back of a vintage International Harvester that happens to be big and … well you get the idea.
    They cater parties and such by rolling into your yard, setting up their mobil kitchen and turning out pizzas, salads, and the like,even gelato! Why didn’t I think of that.
    You can check them out, here: http://www.biggreentruckpizza.com/

    1. A friend of mine asked me the same question: why didn’t you think of that? A failure of imagination is all I could reply. Never in a million years would that have occurred to me. I hope they make a mint!

  4. Down Under, in Melbourne, for my wife’s 30th we hired a pizza oven on a trailer. Just awesome. See some pics of it here: http://abunchofkeys.blogspot.com/2009_07_01_archive.html

    and a Croquembouche, the first time I contacted Joe for some advice on pastry components… not a bad first effort if I may say so myself! It looked more beautiful in my head but, well, I ran out of toffee and time 🙁


    1. Very interesting, thanks! As for the croquembouche, I’m sure the next time you’ll get the result you want. There’s nothing like a test run to work the kinks out of the system!


      – joe

  5. Hello again,
    I just wanted to say after many recipes, i have finally found a 100% wholemeal recipe for a pizza crust! It is exceptionally soft, puffy and delicious!The recipe makes one deep pan pizza crust, but i like mine thinner, so i made four little ones, and they were very very soft, and tasty! The taste comes from an 18 hour rest in the fridge, and the puffiness comes from a 2 hour rest prior to the baking. So far, this is my favorite pizza crust! Sadly, due to it’s deliciousness, it didn’t survive long enough for me to take photos…here is a link:

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