But first, crêpes.

I’m not sure why I think of crêpes as a cold weather food, probably because The Magic Pan was a big place to take girls after dances when I was in high school. Going there was the way you demonstrated…how can I best put this…culture….when you lived in west suburban Chicago back in the early 80’s.

Funny thing about crêpes in America is that they’re constantly cycling in and out of fashion, whereas in France they’re a constant. I suppose this is because the French themselves are constantly cycling in and out of fashion in America, and when they’re out baby, they’re out. But whether the French are “in” or “out”, their really skinny pancakes always taste really, really good.

9 thoughts on “But first, crêpes.”

  1. Excited! We got a big crepe stone thing and all the accessories about a year ago and now looks like the perfect time to break it out 🙂

  2. Crepes are always in at my house! I like the white flour ones sometimes, but my favourite are buckwheat crepes (made with water, not milk) with eggs poached in maple syrup and served with crisp bacon. Makes winter and maple season much more enjoyable. Can’t wait to see what you come up with.

    1. I’ll probably just do something basic for the pancakes, since I haven’t put them up on the site before…but I hope to get at least a little adventurous with the fillings! We’ll see…

      – Joe

  3. Crepes are a great favorite at this house. But we like them simply: plain or butter and jam or maple syrup. “Adventurous” for us is a schmear of sour cream and a sprinkle of brown sugar, then rolling it up! Maybe (for guests) sliced strawberries.
    My recipe actually came out of an old Marshall Field’s sale flyer: 2 cups whole milk in a blender, add 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons melted butter, a pinch of salt. Whir for a couple seconds. Add 1-1/4 cup flour. Whir until just blended. Let sit for one hour. Heat up the crepes pans and ENJOY.
    And I bought my crepes pans 2 for $10 online many eons ago!! Except for the one time my hubby’s mother helped me out by scrubbing and washing them thoroughly, they are now nicely seasoned and just need a dab of butter for the first crepe to get things started.
    Looking forward to your suggestions for fillings….

  4. I love crepes! There used to be a crepe shop in my area that opened and closed about four or fives times, but hasn’t resurfaced. I miss them dearly, but can’t for the life of me make them myself. I’ve tried on several occasions but just can’t get them out of the pan without tearing them up!

  5. You’re right, this is just the season for these lovelies! I grew up making blintzes for special occasions, and still have four 9″ omelette pans reserved for this — on a good gas stove, you get into a rhythm — with the batter (like Charm’s) in a blender-pitcher, there’s just enough time to pour and swirl all four pans before the first is ready to dump facedown on a tea towel & re-swirl, then the next, then the next, and so forth until all the batter is gone. We put a spoonful of sweetened farmer’s cheese onto the cooked side, folded them into envelopes, then either froze them for another day or baked the lot in one go, well slathered with butter.

    1. I just ate and yu wen and made me hungry again! You’re obviously a pro at this…any special tips to share?

      – Joe

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