“Congo Cookies”?

Pastry Chef Camille files this report from the Continent: Funnily enough, I saw a pile of coconut macaroons in a bakery here in Paris yesterday. They were called “congolais.” Just thought you’d like to know that even here in macaron land, macaroons do exist. 🙂 Turns out those Parisians really do have taste!


Coco Fat

The question of fat was raised yesterday in an email. Specifically, where’s the fat in the macaron cookie recipe below? Don’t most cookies us butter as a base? The answer is that the fat is in there, just not in the form of dairy fat. The fat that macaroons contain — and they contain a […]


Exactly how does a macaron qualify as a “petit four”?

That question from reader Phil H., and it’s good one. The thing is, in most of the English-speaking world, the term “petit four” refers to a very specific thing. That being a small, layered cake covered with poured fondant. Among the French, however, the term refers to an entire family of small sweets. The word […]


Coconut Madness Debrief

Well it seems there won’t be any end to the photography problem anytime soon (what they heck did I do to my software?). But that’s not to say I can’t still run my fingers about what went right and wrong with this weekend’s dessert adventure. As you may recall, I was planning a (fairly) standard […]