Mercy Joe, Mercy!

So writes reader Ariana:

Please Joe no pecan pie, at least not right now. After pigging out for almost two solid weeks over the holidays I just can’t look at anything rich or sweet this week. I know you’re running a pastry blog here, but can’t you make us some nice melba toast or something, just for this week?

That’s one of the funniest requests I’ve ever received, which means I’m going to honor it. I have some very old content on Dame Melba that I’ve been meaning to update, so let’s do the toast before the pie for Ariana’s sake (and maybe my own…I need some trips to the gym in addition to a dry toast diet).

10 thoughts on “Mercy Joe, Mercy!”

  1. LOL

    Actually, I was looking forward to the pecan pie recipe… Frankly I’m not a big fan of my regular recipe, and my Jack Daniel’s version is not suitable for family functions what with a bunch of little ones in attendance

  2. My least favorite time of the year when everyone obsesses about holiday overeating and go the pendulum swing to obsessively avoiding fat and sugar until they get closer to Valentine’s Day and give up their resolutions and get normal again. To each his own. I’m sure your posts will be great as always. Thanks Joe!

    1. Ha! I understand and sympathize with that, Linda. But then of course you don’t have to be obsessive to simply be full, and I confess that’s what I am these days too! 😉


      – Joe

      1. I guess it is the barrage of words like “light” and “skinny” (especially skinny) that confuses me. I always associate those words with “diet” and losing weight more than “I ate too much and I should eat less now and more moderately”. My confusion. 🙂

        1. Very true, Linda. I don’t think there’s anyone that doesn’t get tired of all the gym and diet ads you see this time of year. Exhausting.

          – J

          1. Agreed. I think it is more the obsessiveness of it and “we are all going to be good now” mentality that is so annoying. Just admit you ate too much over the holidays but it was fun and now you’ll go back to more moderate eating and not go crazy with diets that never last and then you are wondering why you can’t get your weight down. Moderation is the key. But when you want to go crazy…do it and don’t guilt over it for a month after. Just get back to a good eating regime and your body will forgive you the excess and setting back down and be healthy and happy. These pendulum swings are worse for health. And of course your great blogs to entertain, give us good recipes, help us make good choices in what we eat…win-win!! That lemon tea bread was a great recipe. Even a GF version. It will definitely get made again!!! Thanks, Joe!!!

          2. Thanks again, Linda. And that’s totally right. Those extreme bing-diet swings are very hard on the ol’ bod. I like your philosophy much better!


            – Joe

  3. Well, there have been a fair amount of babies born recently, and I associate melba toast with them, so bring it on! I’d never thought of making it, but how sensible.

    Looking forward to another year reading Joe Pastry.

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