How to Make a Jelly Roll

You can call it a Swiss roll, if you like. Or a jam roll (which is more precise, since you don’t see to many recipes for these that call for fruit jelly anymore). This one has some real fruit added in, which makes it a little more distinctive. Jelly rolls are, and always have been, […]


Peasant Bread Redux

Interesting addendum to the excerpt I put up last week on French peasant bread, over at my friend Rachel Lauden’s blog. Mr. Rubel certainly seems to know his stuff (even if he doesn’t seem to care for my conclusions very much). Have a look-see!


Hand made pizza…by machine.

Seems there’s a new vending machine being tested in Europe that makes pizza by hand…er, sprocket. It kneads and rolls the dough, adds toppings and bakes it — all while you watch. Sounds really fun, actually. I’d love to see one. Of course the real pizza makers in Italy aren’t terribly impressed. I like this […]


What’s clarified butter?

Clarified butter is (unsalted) butter that’s been melted, then simmered slightly to evaporate off some of the water in it, and cause the non-fat components of the butter (proteins and other miscellaneous stuff) to separate out of it. You know that white foam that collects on a pool of melted butter? Bingo, that’s them. What’s […]


The recipe problem…

In the end I decided I was over-thinking things a bit. I mean, for whatever you’re doing, you can always find a specialized formula…Swiss rolls, jelly rolls, génoise cakes…but in the end they’re all fundamentally the same cake, am I right? One recipe should suffice for all of them. So here’s what I decided to […]